Posts in favourites
Why It Doesn’t Matter What Other People Think Of You (Told via a pizza analogy)

We live in a world of shoulds. 

We spend so much of our time thinking about what decision we should make, what we should do with our lives, our time, our money, our skills, our every minute. 

And that’s not even touching on the minefield of what we think others think we should do when it comes to all of those things.

It’s exhausting.

More often than not, our shoulds feel heavier than any rucksack we could carry.

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favouritesMeg Kissack
The Five Things I Ask Myself When I Sit Down To Plan Each Week

I can honestly say I don’t know why I haven’t been doing this my whole life.

I love to plan but I’d never thought of sitting down on a Sunday night, making it part of a really nice routine and bringing a lot more clarity and focus into my life. I now wake up on Monday feeling more ready to approach the week rather than deer stuck in headlights not knowing where to turn first.

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favouritesMeg Kissack
The Problem With Self-Care

In the last couple of years, self-care has started becoming a trendy buzzword that it never was before. Now it’s an Instagram hashtag to be thrown around and rather than a solution, it seems to have become a problem. A problem that is perpetuating the bullshit notions of patriarchy that we’ve been fighting against for years.

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favouritesMeg Kissack
Why Dream-Chasing + Building The Life You Want Is Exhausting (and what you can do about it)

Today I'm calling bullshit and getting real about what it takes to chase your dreams, why pit stops are so important and why it is so damn exhausting If you're working to build the life you want, chasing your dreams, daring to live differently and make the world a brighter place, chances are you're reminded everyday about the things you should be doing or should be feeling.

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Transparency & Privilege: A Call To Action For Online Business Owners And Creatives

There’s something that’s been on my mind for a while now, which I’ve struggled to put into words and felt pretty nervous to write about. And if online businesses and blogging have taught me anything, it’s that when you feel like that, that’s *exactly* when you should be hitting publish and starting the conversation. So […]

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