The Daily Pep! Part Three

This is part three in my month-long series documenting the run up to launching my new daily podcast - The Daily Pep! - on 29th February 2020. It’s a warts and all look at behind the scenes, and if you missed my first post and are wondering what even is The Daily Pep!, you can read it here.

We’re on the home run. Less than two weeks to go!

This week has felt pretty counter-intuitive, having a sabbatical and time off when really it feels like there’s so much to do.

But it was absolutely the thing I needed the most.

I was getting so in my head about coming up with lots of ideas, recording them perfectly and freaking out about how this is all going to work. And as I’m sure you know, doing that on a dwindling energy supply does not make a great combination.

While I’ve taken some time off, a couple of things have occurred to me:

Obviously there’s WAY more pressure now.

I feel like I have to make this live up to the standard of Couragemakers, and make it as helpful as possible. When I was launching Couragemakers, I could only dream that some people might listen and find it helpful. I’ve been blown away by how many people get in touch with really heartfelt messages, the reviews its had, the download numbers and just how much it’s taken off.

I think part of the pressure is knowing that with going releasing a daily podcast, I’m not going to be able to take ad-hoc breaks like I have in the past, because I want it to be a habit-forming podcast and I want it to be consistent. I want people to know that come rain or shine, there will be a new episode every Monday through Friday.

Failure has taken on another shade, or another flavour.

Not only am I worrying about letting people down, I’m really conscious that I don’t want to embarrass myself and let myself down. I think as creative women who want to do work that’s bigger than us, we’re always plagued by our own expectations, and haunted by the idea of failing ourselves. I listened to a PHENOMENAL podcast episode that addressed this last week with Grace Bonney from Design* Sponge and it put words to so many of the things I’ve been feeling.

As part of this whole process, I know I need to up my consumption when it comes to reading, watching and listening - to find ideas, get inspired and have things to share - and one of the things I’m really looking forward to checking out is the podcast How To Fail by Elizabeth Day.

Feeling calm

But while I’m feeling all of the things, I do feel a sense of inner calm. I had this feeling when I launched Couragemakers - I had the feeling it would work and I just needed to do it, and it feels similar this time.

I feel like once its out in the world, I’ll fall into a rhythm. It might take a while but I know I’ll get there. I’ve been writing Sunday Pep Talks to my email community for the past five years, and every week I always have something to say. Even when I stare at the screen and my mind is blank, I know something will come to the surface.

I’m only now realising this as I’m typing it - this whole starting a daily podcast thing is also an exercise in self trust.

In fact, I think all creative endeavours and processes are.

The question is: do we keep doubting and stay stuck or do we trust a little bit and assume it’ll fall into place along the way?

And ultimately, isn’t that one of the big decisions in life?

Do we refrain from living the life we would love to and stop ourselves because uncertainty is too fucking scary, or do we dare to begin?

I think that’s enough food for thought this week! I’ve got one day of my sabbatical left, so I’m going back to re-filling my cup and then getting back to the work on Tuesday! Call The Midwife is beckoning me and I think I’m going to spend most of tomorrow finishing a book I’m in love with - The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom.

See you back here next sunday when we’ll have just 6 days to go until the daily pep is officially in the world!!

Meg Kissack